Saturday, June 15, 2013

Shit Resellers Say - Part 2

I am enjoying this way too much. After the shitstorm on the forums last night, I have awoken fresh and slightly energetic. Untill I opened up my mailbox, which was full of crap.

Here we go!

First up we have Kitty Lee from the lovely "handmade" shop MeBracelet. I sent her this:

Are you aware that you are selling the same item that 760 other shops are selling?
 Which means this isn't "unique" & "handmade"?
Here are a few: 

Oh, and here is the Ali Baba link, where you can stock up some more:
Keep it "handmade"!
Love xxx

 I got an instant reply:

Dear friend,
First of all, I am very thankful to you for reminding me "handmade".However, I want to tell you what is my necklaces are handmade by myself .I can send the pictures or video to show you.So I will send a few pictures you.
I hope you understand the details at the same time, then make the conclusion, okay?Thank you.

So she is not a reseller, okay? Lol, just kidding.

Next! RoyalGoldGifts is a great seller. I mean, reseller.
Here's an excerpt of the message:

Thank you for reporting me for no reason. 

So I guess selling the same item 760 other people are selling is not a good reason?

Last but not least:

There is a whole lot more but I am going to wrap it up now, since I have to pick the seam from my crotch and get myself some cheese crackers if I want to survive the morning.


  1. Good work Robine -
    I find that those who protest the loudest and act with the most indignation are usually the ones that know damn well what they are doing and that it is wrong. So we all must continue to expose this pile of shit and ignore their self-righteous retorts and outlandish condemnations.

    I can now understand why there would be times that etsy feels it just is not worth the argument nor the battle. But, unfortunately, etsy is the only one that wields the club and can knock these S.O.B.s off of etsy's website.

    Looks like I'll have to join Google + so I can follow this blog - it's something I thought about doing for a long time now, just hated having another account and sign-in to have to go through. :)

  2. If you really had balls, you would CLEARLY STATE what your REALLY shop is.
    You go on the Etsy forums and spread your negativity and anger, like you're the police...Not to mention under fake accounts.

    If your destiny in life is to be the Etsy police, then I feel bad, because you're going to have a pretty long and unproductive life.

    1. I guess your wonky grammar means my REAL shop? Etsy is brainwashing people and I don't want them to find me. You'd understand, right, anon? I hope you don't fail to see how ironic your comment is.

      Nevertheless, if having balls means exposing my real shop, then I am sorry for your irrelevant working mind.

      Since when is having a short, productive life a good thing? And if my destiny would be to be the Etsy police (whatever that means), I would be over the moon.

  3. Yep, I got my bird-and-branch treasury taken down because one of the sellers objected to the word "reseller" in the tags. I guess it's remotely possible that you can buy the parts from Michael's and whomp them together in a couple of seconds, then call it "handmade."

  4. Did you see this other "most obvious reseller?" They have both a regular website and you can purchase it from Alibaba.

    1. I love how the picture says: "LavishBuy"...
