Thursday, June 13, 2013

Right now

Okay, let's just do this right now. Word needs to be spread about this.

I received a message from another Etsy seller who is also very frustrated that we are now almost 15 8 years into Etsy and nothing has been done so far to keep the resellers out. Etsy has been promising us time & time again things will change, but they don't.

Things just get worse.

Here are some lovely examples I received today.

Anyone interested in some handmade necklaces? Well, these are all "unique" & "handmade"!

We have the following shops:

And I bet my sweet ass you already know what all these shops have in common? Exactly.


But how do you know? Well, they ALL sell the same necklace. I know, right.

"They've handmade it with love and care", which is Chinese slang for: buy on AliBaba, put on Etsy and don't give a shit.

Some more screencaps, since it is so much fun!

Apparantly all you need these days to make a quick buck is a Creditcard & some Photoshop skills. And while you are at it, here is the link to the Alibaba necklace, just in case you need some extra cash:

Oh & a quick word of advice to the Etsy resellers: rename your item, if you are stupid enough to resell something which is probably produced by a large slave labor factory.


  1. Umm, Etsy has only been around since mid-2005, so 8 years tops. Not 15 years.

    1. No problem! }:) And yes, the reseller issue is getting worse.

    2. You are right, fixed it :) Thanks!

  2. Great blog! SO sad what's happening to Etsy.....

    Hey girl, you need to tell U.S. people that to write "comments" you must click on "opmerkingen" .

  3. I have reported 100s of shops reselling factory made jewelry on Etsy, and most of them have been closed. However, shops run by people connected with Asian jewelry factories are now allowed on Etsy, selling stuff as hamdmade by the seller even though it was produced by factory employees. Etsy does not rquire these shops to disclose what role the shop owner has in the process, a violation of Etsy's own rules regarding collectives. How can I help your blog? I have an extensive list of factory shops, and a small bookmarked file of costume jewelry wholesale merchants (used by resellers in the USA). --ElleJay

    1. Hello Anon!

      Thanks for your message, glad you want to help out. You can send everything you have to (catchy, right?)


    2. Okay, will do. Hope it helps. My obsolete desktop died in April, taking a lot of bookmarked files with it. Am rebuilding slowly from hardcopies and memory. --ElleJay

  4. Glad to see a nicely thought-out blog, complete with pictures. :)
    Hope you'll be able to keep the enthusiasm going and not get frustrated. The battle with resellers is like that Whack a Mole arcade game. If one disappears ten more pop-up to take its place. Unfortunately the last valiant protest bloggers quickly lost their fire; quenched by the cold, waters of futile frustration. The same goes for the etsy team, "Down With Resellers".

    At one time I had a long list of shops that featured Bubble Necklaces that were identical to ones sold on Alibaba. After I reported the shops etsy did nothing. Therein lies the frustration . . . etsy does nothing !!! :( But maybe if there are enough of us and we start yelling loud enough something positive will happen - much like the French Revolution. :D

    BTW - a followers gadget would be nice here as I would love to be a follower.

  5. I send you my list of jewelry wholesale sources. Images used by resellers can often be found on one, or more, of these sites.


    1. :)
