Thursday, June 13, 2013

Shit Resellers Say

Dealing with resellers brings down a whole new level of pain. After being called out (I use a template, since there are so many), resellers either:
  • Delete the listing
  • Get very passive-aggressive
  • Explain in Engrish why it is "handmade"
  • Try to convince me that it's their design & others copied them (my favorite)

Let me walk you through some of the replies I received this morning. First we have Leonato (from the Infinity ring fiasco). I told him that he was selling the exact same ring as 7 other shops, hence it can not be handmade or unique.

Here is his response:

Hello! Thanks for having interest in our items first.
Unfortunately many sellers imitates our items recently but our items are made by ourselves. Also for those items above, it’s a similar items but which is little different. and I want to thank you for letting me know the Alibaba case. The company use our photos and designs without our permission. Thanks and have a good day! Laonato

I know, right? If anyone has a nice reply for Laonato, leave it in the comment box. I'll make sure he gets it.

Next we have Jackie Chen (also sells Infinity rings):

hello, thank you for your message. i have checked all the links you have listed and found that there is one item from our another alibaba stock.
for our silver items, all are make by our skillfull handmade masters and we took pictures by ourself, not buy from other companys.
thank youjackie 

I asked him:

Are your "handmade masters" little slave labor children? 

To which he responded:

i am not handmade master, i am running the stock,develop new items,make some new designs. my real sister and brother, sister in law and brother in law are all handmade masters,with more than 15years of work experineces.also, we employ handmade masters from outside.i am not a childred, already over 30years old. 

Yup. Dealing with resellers is like dealing with toddlers. They know something is wrong, yet refuse to do something about it. They try to justify their actions by pointing fingers. It's like being a parent, telling your kid he can't play with Ricky anymore, because Ricky is a bad influence.

Next up: Girasimo. This reseller sent me a very long message, here is an excerpt:

The fact that the ring sells and a lot of sellers have it doesn't mean i couldn't make it with my own hands. I don't buy from anyone if that's what you mean. I have a small workshop that i create ALL of my jewels.

You could try making it with your own hands, Girasimo...

And here is my favorite (I got many more messages, but it's clogging up my Inbox and we all know what it means when things are clogged up). It's from Anna Luo. It's about the "Fashion Jewelry Colorful Resin Turquoise Bubble Bib Fan Fringe Cabochons Necklace" from an earlier post.

I sent her this:

You are selling exactly the same items as these shops:

Might want to check up on that, I think you all have the same supplier :)
Keep up the "handmade" work!

To which she responded: